Fiber technology can support only a Simply Broadband (Standalone) product.
For further investigation into a location’s qualification for broadband, submit an xDSL Loop Qualification Extended (TXTYP-K) pre-order transaction in VFO. This transaction places a request for Frontier to further examine the facility qualifications for service. The response will be emailed to the requestor so it is important to include a valid email address on the initial pre-order transaction.
Yes. Frontier has implemented the Frontier-MasterStream Portal which allows customers to request instant quotes for Ethernet and Broadband services.
The Frontier-MasterStream portal provides Wholesale Customers with the ability to request instant quotes for Wholesale Broadband services. Utilizing the Frontier-MasterStream portal will also provide some measure of qualification for the end user location. For more information please visit the MasterStream page available from the Systems and Online Tools menu.
Submit the Loop Qualification DSL for Whls BB Inquiry – Transaction Type (TXTYP) X pre-order transaction. The response will provide you with the speeds available for your location.
The xDSL Loop Qualification Extended (TXTYP-K) will receive a manual response via email and will be returned within 48 hours of submission.
Information provided on response includes:
Information provided on xDSL Loop Qualification – TXTYP = H response includes:
The purpose of a xDSL Loop Qualification – TXTYP = H is to validate that facilities exist for Loop technology – dependent products. Used to determine loop lengths, qualification indicator, products available and if necessary, the reason the loop is not qualified for DSL.
The purpose of the Loop Qualification DSL for Whls BB Inquire – TXTYP = X is to validate local loop qualifying and maximum speeds available for Broadband services.
A xDSL Loop Qualification Extended – TXTYP = K is an extended (manual) version of the xDSL Loop Qualification – TXTYP = H and is used is to validate that facilities exist for Loop technology – dependent products when the automated TXTYP H has failed to provide response.
With instant quotes from the Frontier-MasterStream portal, some pre-order transactions in VFO may still be required, including the Address Validation Inquiry (TXTYP = A) and the Telephone Number Assignment (TXTYP = B).
The xDSL Loop Qualification Extended should be requested after the xDSL Loop Qualification (TXTYP=H) response is returned with one of the following values in the RSNNOTQUAL (xDSL Reason Not Qualified) field:
Or the xDSL Loop Qualification DSL for Whls BB (TXTYP=X) response is returned with the following value in the LOOPSTAT (Loop Status) field:
For full response field definitions, refer to the VFO Pre-Order Response – DSL Loop Qualification (TXTYP X) available from the Broadband References page within the Reference Library menu.
For full response field definitions, please refer to the VFO Preorder Response – xDSL Loop Qualification (TXTYP H,K) available from the Broadband References page within the Reference Library menu.
For more information, please visit the MasterStream page available from the Systems and Online Tools menu.
The Wholesale Broadband Product Qualification Guide provides steps for pre-qualifying Wholesale Broadband orders.
A copy of the Generally Accepted Terms and Conditions may be requested, by current Purchaser of the service, via email to
The Appointment Scheduling Inquiry is used when the CLEC wants to view available provisioning dates prior to submitting a Local Service Request (LSR). An available due date can then be reserved on the same pre-order transaction.
After initiating a Pre-Order transaction from the Local Module in VFO, Validation may be submitted by address by populating the following fields:
Or working telephone number by populating the following fields:
After initiating a Pre-Order transaction from the Local Module in VFO, Populate the following fields:
Customers interested in ordering Wholesale Advantage Broadband services must have a valid contract at the time of order submission. If you are interested in negotiating a Wholesale Advantage Broadband or other contract, please contact your Frontier Account Manager. If you are not sure who your Frontier Account Manager is, please email a request for information to:
These are the required steps to gather all of the information necessary to make a valid selection for broadband service:
1. Verify your Wholesale Broadband contract
2. Verify the end user service territory
3. Submit an Address Validation TXTYP A Pre-Order
4. Submit a Loop Qualification for DSL Whls BB TXTYP X Pre-Order
5. Verify a valid Wholesale Broadband Ordering Scenario
6. Choose a Wholesale Broadband product
7. Submit an LSR for Wholesale Broadband Service
Additional qualifying information can be obtained by submitting Loop Qualification TXTYP H and K transactions. This is especially helpful when an initial pre-order response indicates facilities are not qualified for broadband service. See the Additional Pre-Order Transaction Options section in the Wholesale Broadband Product Qualification Guide for details.
The Wholesale Broadband Ordering Scenario Matrix provides the various valid ordering scenarios for the Standalone and Shared broadband products. The correct Request Type (REQTYP) and Activity (ACT) is provided along with the related Order Sample.
Information provided on response includes:
Information provided on response includes:
The purpose of the Address Validation Inquiry pre-order transaction type A (TXTYP-A) is to validate that the end user’s address is supported by Frontier. Validation may be performed by either the address or the working telephone number.
The Wholesale Broadband Loop Qualification pre-order transaction type X (TXTYP-X) will validate the qualification of the local loop and the maximum speeds available for Wholesale Broadband services.
Before placing an order for Wholesale Broadband service it is vital to validate that the product is available under the unique conditions for the end user. Our Wholesale Broadband Product Qualification Guide identifies each of the information-seeking tasks that are necessary to make a valid broadband service selection prior to submitting the LSR. Step-by-step instructions begin on Page 3 of the guide available from the Wholesale Broadband Pre-Order References page.
A telephone reservation is optional when the request is to establish Standalone Broadband service.
For full response field definitions, please refer to the VFO Pre-Order Response – Address Validation (TXTYP A) available from the Broadband References page within the Reference Library menu.
Pre-Order Job Aids are available here.
Wholesale Broadband Pre-Order Job Aids are available from the Wholesale Broadband Pre-Order References page.
Yes. For customers with access to the Local Module of the Virtual Front Office (VFO), Frontier offers the VFO Loop Qualification Bulk Loader tool. This tool allows customers to pre-qualify up to 2000 locations, for Broadband Services, on one file. For more information, please refer to the VFO Loop Qualification Bulk Loader Job Aid.
No. Telephone number reservations are not required for Broadband orders.
Perform an Address Validation (TXTYP = A) pre-order transaction in VFO with the exact address of the location in question. On the response, the FCI (Fiber Capability Indicator) field will show either a ‘Y’ (Yes) or ‘N’ (No) in this field. If the FCI field shows as ‘Y’, the address is fiber capable.
Perform a Wholesale Broadband Loop Qualification (TXTYP=X) pre-order transaction in VFO with the validated address. On the response, the RTIND (Remote Terminal Indicator) field will show either ‘Y’ (Yes) or ‘N’ (No). Certain products may not be available when RTIND value = Y.
Perform a Wholesale Broadband Loop Qualification (TXTYP=X) pre-order transaction in VFO with the validated address. On the response, the LSA (Loop Speeds Available) field will provide both the Highest Speed and the HSMAX (Lite/Max) speed separated by a hyphen (-).
Please refer to the Address Validation VFO Preorder Response reference.
Please refer to the DSL Loop Qualification VFO Preorder Response reference.
Please refer to the Fiber Availability VFO Preorder Response reference.
Please refer to the xDSL Loop Qualification VFO Preorder Response reference.
The FCI (Fiber Capability Indicator) field identifies whether an address if fiber capable. Possible response values are Y (Yes) or N (No).
The FE (Facility Environment) field identifies the available facilities at the service address for broadband services. Possible values returned are:
The LL (Loop Length) field identifies the distance from the wire center to the service address. Translate returned kilofeet to feet.
The LOOPSTAT (Loop Status) field identifies the qualification status for Wholesale Broadband service provided over copper (not fiber.) Possible values returned are:
The LPAC (Loop Product Available) field provides the available broadband products for the service address, Returned values describe the type of technology used to provide available service. Possible values returned are:
The LSA (Loop Speeds Available) field provides both the Highest Speed and the HSMAX (Lite/Max) speed separated by a hyphen (-).
The LSO (Local Servicing Office) field provides the NPA/Area Code and NXX/Exchange for the service address.
The MLT (Multi-Line Text) field provides all other available speeds at the service address.
The RSNNOTQUAL (Reason Not Qualified) field provides the reason the service address is not qualified for broadband service. Possible responses are:
The RTIND (Remote Terminal Indicator) field identifies whether the service address is behind a remote terminal. Being behind a remote terminal affects the type of broadband services available at the service address. Possible values returned are Y (Yes) or N (No).
The DB/C – Post-Migration Add Wholesale Broadband Static IP is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Change by Adding a Wholesale Broadband Static IP Block. Referring to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The EB/C – Post-Migration Add Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on a Resale Change order to Add Wholesale Broadband Only. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/C – Post-Install Change Standalone Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order for a Standalone Wholesale Broadband Change from Dynamic to Static IP Asymmetrical Speeds. Referring to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/C – Post-Migration Change Speed/Product Offer Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Change the Speed or Product Offer for Wholesale Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The EB/C – Wholesale Broadband Speed Change is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the Resale order to Change the Speed on Wholesale Broadband service. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The EB/D – Wholesale Broadband Full Account Disconnect is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields for a Full Account Disconnect Including Wholesale Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/D – Wholesale Broadband Full Account Disconnect is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on on a Full Account Disconnect Including Wholesale Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/C – Disconnect Wholesale Broadband Only is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order for a Wholesale Broadband Only Disconnect. Referring to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The EB/C – Disconnect Wholesale Broadband Only is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Disconnect Resale Wholesale Broadband Only. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/N – New Standalone Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on an order to Install a New Standalone Wholesale Broadband Dry Loop. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/N – New Business POTS with Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Install a POTS Account with Wholesale Broadband and Features. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/V – Migration with Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Migrate an Existing Retail Customer with Frontier Voice and Broadband to Platform Voice with Wholesale Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/C – Post-Migration Wholesale Broadband Request to Move Modem is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on a Wholesale Broadband Request to Move the Modem. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/C – Post-Migration Add Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Change to Add Wholesale Broadband Only. Referring to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/C – Post-Migration Term Renewal is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order for a Wholesale Broadband Change order to Process a Term Renewal on Asymmetrical Speeds. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/B – Post-Migration Restore Standalone Voice/Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Restore Standalone Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS and LTOS values.
The DB/B – Post-Migration Restore Shared Voice/Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Restore Voice and Wholesale Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS and LTOS values.
The EB/B – Resale Wholesale Broadband Restore is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Restore Resale Voice and Wholesale Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The EB/S – Resale Wholesale Broadband Suspend is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order a Resale Suspend Voice/Wholesale Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/S – Post-Install Suspend Standalone Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Suspend Standalone Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
The DB/S – Post-Migration Suspend Shared Voice/Wholesale Broadband is the resource that will assist you with populating the fields on the order to Suspend Voice and Wholesale Broadband. Reference to the LSR Business Rules may be necessary to determine valid TOS values.
Frontier does not support bridged modems. To avoid security risks it is critical that our daily installations continue to utilize PPP authentication to the network (normal operation) rather than the DHCP required for bridged modems.
If there are errors the Error Code List is displayed with the Form, Occurrence, Section/Field, Error Code and Error Text. Select the Error Text link to move cursor to the form and field in error. The field is highlighted in red until the field is corrected and the order is validated successfully.
From the Local Module, hover mouse over the Order tab and select New.
The Wholesale Broadband Validation Tool, Migrate Existing Retail Customer with Frontier Broadband to Platform Voice with Wholesale Broadband provides the basic field requirements and valid values for the type of service (TOS), NC/NCI codes, line activity (LNA), shared data provider (SDP) plus links to product/speed codes, equipment codes, term codes and static IP block codes with basic instructions by territory.
The Symmetrical Fiber Speed Codes are the same for Dynamic and Static IP options. Therefore, to add Static IPs, the customer must add the appropriate Static IP ordering code on the LSR. Failure to include the code will result in provisioning of Dynamic Service.
Select either the Validate icon or Validate menu option to verify the accuracy of the order. The status of the order will either be Validated or Errored.
The LSR Validation Sheets will assist with ensuring your LSR is populated correctly and are available from the Wholesale Broadband Order References page.
Asymmetrical Information
Product ordering codes apply for both residential and business types of service
Symmetrical Information
Fiber Product ordering codes apply for both dynamic and static service
/30 IP Block (1 Usable IP address) – An Ordering Code is not used on the LSR
/29 IP Block (5 Usable IP addresses) – WIP5
/28 IP Block (13 Usable IP addresses) – WIP13
/27 IP Block (29 Usable IP addresses) – WIP29
/26 IP Block (61 usable IP addresses – Static ONLY) – WIF61
The Term Offer Codes for Platform Voice with Broadband service orders are as follows:
The Term Offer Codes for Standalone Broadband service orders are as follows: Asymmetrical Service Offering:
Symmetrical Service Offering
The PON is shown in the ‘LSRNO’ field and the confirmed due date will be shown in the ‘DD’ field. The account or main order number from Frontier’s backend provisioning system is shown in the ‘ORD’ field and the individual line order number from Frontier’s backend provisioning system is provided in the ‘ORDL’ field.
For Standalone Broadband service, the LTOS (Line Type of Service) field should be populated with one of the following:
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 300M/300M) Dyanamic IP – WSI30, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 300M/300M) Static IP – WSI30, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS (Note: All Static IP service is provisioned with a /30 IP block (1 usable address) unless a larger IP block is ordered on the LSR.)
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 500M/500M) Dyanamic IP – WSI50, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 500M/500M) Static IP – WSI50, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS (Note: All Static IP service is provisioned with a /30 IP block (1 usable address) unless a larger IP block is ordered on the LSR.)
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 700M/700M) Dyanamic IP – WSI70, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 700M/700M) Static IP – WSI70, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS (Note: All Static IP service is provisioned with a /30 IP block (1 usable address) unless a larger IP block is ordered on the LSR.)
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 1G/1G) Dyanamic IP – WSI1G, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 1G/1G) Static IP – WSI1G, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS (Note: All Static IP service is provisioned with a /30 IP block (1 usable address) unless a larger IP block is ordered on the LSR.)
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 2G/2G) Dyanamic IP – WSI2G, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS
Wholesale Broadband FiberOptic Internet (Speed 2G/2G) Static IP – WSI2G, Purchased Modem – WMBF, Leased Modem – WMFLS (Note: All Static IP service is provisioned with a /30 IP block (1 usable address) unless a larger IP block is ordered on the LSR.)
Wholesale Broadband Order Validation Job Aids are available from the Wholesale Broadband Order References page. If you have errors as a result of your validation of the order, please refer to the associated validation job aid. Note: Locate the job aid specific to the service territory of the location on your order.
Further assistance is available upon email request to: Additional contact information is available on the Broadband Services Contacts page available from the Contacts and Escalation Lists menu.
For Standalone Broadband service, the TOS (Type of Service) field should be populated with one of the following:
Note: Static IP is only available for Business Standalone Broadband service.
For Platform voice with Broadband service in the Acquired WV and Connecticut service territories, the TOS (Type of Service) field should be populated with one of the following:
For Platform voice with Broadband service in the Frontier 13 service territories, the TOS (Type of Service) field should be populated with one of the following:
For Platform voice with Broadband service in the Legacy service territory, the TOS (Type of Service) field should be populated with one of the following:
Shared Wholesale Broadband is a broadband service that is paired with a new or existing voice line.
The Wholesale Broadband Order Code Matrix contains the codes required to place an order for Wholesale Broadband service.
The Wholesale Broadband Training Guide is available to assist customers ordering Wholesale Broadband services. This training guide is a supplement to the Frontier VFO User Guide.
After qualifying for broadband services and speeds, customers should utilize the ordering references available from the Wholesale Broadband Order References page.
Wholesale Broadband order samples are available from the Wholesale Broadband Order Samples page.
Select the order sample that meets the request type and activity of the order you are submitting (DB – Wholesale Platform, EB – Resale). Order samples provide direction on populating the fields that are required, conditional or optional for each form on the LSR.
Please note: Resale (EB) Order Samples are for Activity ‘C’ Only. Wholesale Broadband can only be added to “Existing” Resale Voice Service.
The Wholesale Broadband Order Code Matrix provides the ordering codes to place on an order for Asymmetrical (copper) and Symmetrical (fiber) broadband services. Included in the matrix are the dynamic and static product/speed codes, corresponding modem codes, term length codes and static IP block codes with basic instruction in the Miscellaneous Information sections.
In addition, the matrix provides Loop and Port billing codes that are part of the broadband product. These codes are will be included on the bill but are prohibited from being placed on the order for service. Finally, the matrix provides broadband product/speed codes that are now grandfathered and no longer offered.
The Wholesale Broadband Ordering Guide will assist you with locating and utilizing the online references.
The Wholesale Broadband Ordering Scenario Matrix assists with determining which ordering scenarios are valid for Wholesale Broadband.
All Standalone asymmetrical (DSL) and symmetrical (Fiber) Wholesale broadband products are ordered via Request Type (REQTYP) of ‘DB’.
Please visit the Wholesale Broadband Services page to access order references and order samples to assist with submitting LSR transactions for broadband services.
No, Wholesale Broadband orders cannot be submitted as paid expedites.
Modem/Router Equipment Return Address:
Contec 6800 Steele Creek Rd
Charlotte, NC 28217
Attn: Frontier Receiving
The Wholesale Broadband Validation Tool, New Install Standalone Wholesale Broadband, provides the ordering codes to place on an order for Asymmetrical (copper) and Symmetrical (fiber) broadband services. Included are the basic field requirements and valid values by territory for the type of service (TOS), line activity (LNA), line type of service (LNA), shared data provider(SDP) plus links to product/speed codes, equipment codes, term codes and static IP block codes with basic instructions.
The Wholesale Broadband Validation Tool Add / Change To Existing Wholesale Broadband Platform Voice Line provides the basic field requirements and valid values for the type of service (TOS), NC/NCI codes, line activity (LNA), line type of service (LNA), shared data provider (SDP) plus links to product/speed codes, equipment codes, term codes and static IP block codes with basic instructions.
The Wholesale Broadband Validation Tool, Change Standalone Wholesale Broadband, provides the ordering codes to place on an order for Asymmetrical (copper) and Symmetrical (fiber) broadband services. Included are the basic field requirements and valid values for the type of service (TOS), line activity (LNA), line type of service (LNA), shared data provider (SDP) plus links to product/speed codes, equipment codes, term codes and static IP block codes with basic instructions.
The Wholesale Broadband Validation Tool, Migrate Platform Voice with Wholesale Broadband, provides the basic field requirements and valid values for the type of service (TOS), line activity (LNA), line type of service (LNA), shared data provider (SDP) plus links to product/speed codes, NC/NCI codes, equipment codes, term codes and static IP block codes with basic instructions for all ordering elements.
The Wholesale Broadband Validation Tool, New Install Platform Voice with Wholesale Broadband, provides the basic field requirements and valid values for the type of service (TOS), NC/NCI codes, line activity (LNA), line type of service (LNA), shared data provider (SDP) plus links to product/speed codes, equipment codes, term codes and static IP block codes with basic instructions.
The Wholesale Broadband Validation Tool, Full and Partial Disconnects Wholesale Broadband, provides the ordering codes to place on a disconnect order for Asymmetrical (copper) and Symmetrical (fiber) broadband services. Included are the basic field requirements and valid values by territory for the type of service (TOS), line activity (LNA), line type of service (LNA), shared data provider (SDP) plus links to product/speed codes with basic instructions.
To use the Wholesale Broadband Order Code Matrix:
Select the product type (Asymmetrical or Symmetrical)
Note: This instruction is included in the Wholesale Broadband Ordering Guide
Wholesale Broadband is a broadband service that is paired with a new or existing voice line.
Wholesale Simply (Standalone) Broadband is a broadband service that does not require a voice line to be installed. The services is installed as a dry loop service also known as standalone broadband.
Wholesale Broadband references are available here.
Customers interested in ordering Wholesale Broadband services must have a valid contract at the time of order submission. If you are interested in negotiating a Wholesale Broadband or other contract, please contact your Frontier Account Manager. If you are not sure who your Frontier Account Manager is, please email a request for information to:
This approach will not work with the Fiber offering. DSL uses DSLAMs in the Central Office (CO) to enable this. However, with fiber, it’s a dedicated network from the end user to the CO where we aggregate traffic within Frontier routers and into the backbone network.
Refer to contract regarding special construction.
There is a separate wave length for every customer and a dedicated point to point path between the Central Office and the End User’s premise.
Frontier does not direct which type of router you may use for internet service to your End User served over Fiber. Remember that all issues on the customer side of the ONT, including those with routers, are the wholesale customer responsibility.
If an ONT, RJ45 jack, and/or connecting cable are not present at the location where Broadband is ordered, Frontier will install an ONT, RJ45 jack and up to 100 feet of cable at no charge. If an ONT, RJ45 jack and/or connecting cable are present at the location, Frontier will not add, replace, move or change the ONT, RJ45 jack and/or cable. Remember that all issues on the customer side of the ONT, including those with the RJ45 jack and cabling, are your responsibility.
A Static IP address is assigned on a permanent basis to a particular device. Most publicly accessible devices on the Internet (e.g., web sites, e-commerce servers) and devices that establish an IP Sec based VPN (e.g., routers, firewalls, VPN gateways) require a Static IP.
Static IPs are sold in contiguous blocks; you may purchase blocks of 5, 13, 29, 61 or 125, and may not add blocks together (e.g., they are not additive; if you need 18 Static IPs, you cannot purchase a block of 5 and a lock of 14; you must purchase a block of 29).
Note: One Static IP address is included with each Static IP circuit you order.
Note: If you have ordered a block of Static IPs, and you would like to request Static IP information, please email The Static IPs will be provided after the service is installed.
When a Static IP block /29, /28, /27, /26 is ordered, a technical point of contact is required. Frontier will use the LCON name and number or Initiator contact unless a specific technical contact is named in Remarks. Enter the technical contact name, number and email address in remarks if the LCON or Initiator should not be contacted.
The customer may be required to provide information that supports a request for a Static IP block of more than one usable address. This required information is detailed in this document. It includes:
Additional information is required to support provisioning of Static IP blocks /27 and /26. Upon request for a Static IP block of 29 or more usable IP addresses Frontier will send an email to the requesting carrier asking for detailed information regarding the use of the additional IP addresses. Failure to supply the required information may cause a Jeopardy situation that results in provisioning delay. To view the required additional information, please refer to the chart on Page 4 of the Static IP Address Job Aid.
Static IP address assignments are available on the due date (FOC) of the broadband order. Contact to get IP Address assignment information.
The Static IP Address Job Aid provides information about Static IP addresses in conjunction with Wholesale Broadband Asymmetrical and Symmetrical products.
The American Registry for Internet Numbers group oversees the distribution of Static IPs. Frontier must be able to justify the Static IP assignment for blocks /29, /28, /27 and /26.
Subnet Usable IP Address Justification Required
/30 1 No
/29 5 Yes
/28 13 Yes
/27 29 Yes
/26 61 Yes
/25 125** No Longer Offered
When a Static IP block larger than /30 is ordered, the Remarks section of an LSR must include justification for the quantity of IP addresses ordered. Failure to supply justification for usage of Static IP blocks larger than /30 in the Remarks section of the LSR may cause a Jeopardy situation that results in provisioning delay.
When /29, at least 3 values must be justified
When /28, at least 7 values must be justified
When /27, /26 an HSI Extended Request is emailed to the Technical Contact. The HSI Extended Form must include the intended IP Address usage. See HSI Extended Request Requirement section in the Static IP Address Job Aid.
Yes, Static IP blocks of 29, 61, and 125 have a longer interval for provisioning.
Yes. The router is the first IP in the block.