Keep Minor Business Changes from Becoming Big-Time Setbacks—with Unified Cloud Communications by Guest Author Evan Kirstel

By Frontier Business Published Nov 11, 2022

Keep Minor Business Changes from Becoming Big-Time Setbacks—with Unified Cloud Communications by Guest Author Evan Kirstel

Business processes enable the basis of everything your business does day to day. Basics like how an order is placed, closed, tracked, organized, delivered, and paid for and how revenue is realized are at the heart of any business. But even a small business that wants to do something simple like add mobile workers can get stymied by change if it doesn’t have the right processes in place.

Without the right processes, that small business that’s simply adding more mobile employees to the number of communications pathways until the number skyrockets and overwhelms it, resulting in delayed orders, customer service logjams, and more. Unified communications (UC) can help businesses avoid things like that by simplifying communications so that small changes won’t so easily cause big business setbacks.

What UC does for any size business is provide a multi-view approach to communications. By integrating voicemail into emails, communications can be shared, distributed to the right person, and archived. UC also offers the ability to expand both in terms of users and in terms of form-fit features designed for specific business activities. It also increases “organizational velocity” by providing a means of access to 24/7 collaboration across the business, making more productivity more possible than ever.

Utilizing UC has made all the difference in keeping my communications organized all in one place, regardless of where I am in the world. The bottom line, though, is that it gives any company or organization enhanced business process optimization, which in turn accelerates growth and change.

Frontier has designed and built a comprehensive approach to how UC can improve your business communications, accelerating any direction you want to go with Unified Communications by Frontier.