Case Study: BioDerm’s Keys to Communication

By Frontier Business Published Aug 14, 2018

Case Study: BioDerm’s Keys to Communication

We all know that communication is key to success, but when your industry is medical device manufacturing and your products are connected to the human body, there’s little room for error. BioDerm is a leading medical device manufacturer within its niche. With rigorous service standards that help to create premier products, the need for quality communication is second to none. As part of an ultra-competitive market, BioDerm’s old communications network wasn’t making the cut and a change was needed, as the company intensified its direct-to-consumer strategy.

Today we’re talking to Gaet Tyranski, President of BioDerm, about how his company worked with Frontier to improve its communications network and bolster its position as a market leader. With fascinating worldwide professional experience, Gaet knows the importance of executing smooth, efficient operations and a seamless customer experience. Doing more with less, direct-to-consumer marketing trends, the need for a flexible, unified communications system and much more get discussed in today’s conversation. It’s a deep dive case study for episode 57 of Gain Your Edge.

References and Resources


Voice Solutions from Frontier and Mitel

Frontier Business


Host Skip Lineberg

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