A single service provider for voice and data: radically simplify your IT and your life
By Frontier Business
Published Jun 10, 2021
- 47% of companies are managing more than 10 vendors. [source: ZDNet]
- The more vendors in the mix, the greater the potential for higher costs, lower efficiency and compromised network integrity.
- The power of one trusted partner means you have one point of contact for enhanced performance and security.
A single service provider for voice and data: radically simplify your IT and your life Go simple or go home.
You may be an IT manager, but these days, you’re also a project manager, accountability wrangler, contract keeper, billing tracker and professional vendor juggler. And let’s not forget miracle maker: You’re trying to do all of the above while freeing up funds to be more innovative.
But before you can invest in innovation, you need to optimize everything else, from sourcing to procurement to vendor relationships. You need to simplify. And that’s not easy coming off a massively disruptive year that challenged and changed everything about the way we work—including creating massive vendor bloat.
In fact, a recent survey on ZDNet reported that:
- 47% of companies are managing more than 10 vendor relationships.
- 57% of IT departments spend more time managing vendor relationships than they did two years ago.
And it seems nobody’s happy about it. Many of them reported poor vendor responsiveness, with help requests and constant personnel turnover as major points of pain. The bottom line: The more vendors in the mix, the greater the potential for higher costs, lower efficiency and compromised security. Clearly, less is more—now more than ever.
Shifting to a single, trusted provider is a big move that can significantly lighten your load. And not only will one-source accountability make your network stronger and healthier, it’ll also help you and your team have more bandwidth for the work you’re meant to do.
Radical Simplification
But consolidating your vendor relationships isn’t just about downsizing. It’s about building a strong, strategic partnership. It’s about radical simplification.
- One provider, one bill, one contract frees you up to focus on innovation and transformation.
- Performance is guaranteed through a single network backed by an SLA, leading to simplified management and optimized pricing.
- A single point of contact is available 24/7 for prioritized customer service.
- One private connection means you can share information and communicate freely without worrying about the safety of your data.
- One trusted partner who feels more like a part of your actual team, filling in knowledge gaps and providing support when and how you need it.
When you bring your data and voice networks together with a single, strategic, streamlined solution, something amazing happens.
Communication becomes clearer and stronger. People and possibilities come together. And real progress happens.
As the world continues to reinvent the workplace, IT managers will play a critical role in shaping the future—helping us all figure out where to go next. And with one radically simplified solution from one trusted partner, you’ll be even stronger and better prepared to lead the way. One team, one network, one purpose.
With Frontier’s brand-new
Integrated Voice, you can bring together your voice and data under one roof—while building a unified network that fits the unique needs of your business. Explore our new online solution builder to create a customized plan and receive an Integrated Voice estimate in minutes.